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The Defender Foundation
Jacksonville, FL San Diego, CA Seattle, WA

The Defender Foundation fights Human Trafficking as Active Activist. With one of their main slogans being “Do more than Donate!” they are very volunteer oriented in supporting Human Trafficking shelters, providing education to groups, hotel staff and students, both supporting and introducing legislation, and distinguishing themselves with some of the only known, all volunteer tactical rescue teams for the retrieval of Human Trafficking Victims, both stateside and overseas.

The Defender Foundation is designed with replicable Chapters that concentrate on the problem in their own back yard while supporting Nationwide and global initiatives in an all for one, and one for all approach.

Human Trafficking is not just an overseas thing, it is a here thing and we will not stay silent while children are being captured and sold.

The Defender Foundation is not verified as a 501(c)3 organization.