Support all your favorite nonprofits with a single donation.

Donate safely, anonymously & monthly, in any amount. It's a smarter way to give online. Learn more
Austin, TX
givvers: joshuabaer

Imagine if a fraction of purchases you make every year were rounded to the nearest dollar and the difference given to charity. How much change could you make? How much change could your friends and family make?

MiniDonations enables easy, collaborative and transformative giving by providing a technology platform through which anyone, regardless of age or socio-economic status, can donate to their favorite causes anywhere they shop or work.

Merchants use MiniDonations to implement and augment in-store, socially responsible giving campaigns, while charities gain increased exposure to donors through its innovative social network. All the while, 100% of donations go to charity.

Roughly 85% of charitable gifts originate from individuals. Point of sale, e-Commerce and employee giving programs are exciting fundraising mediums in which everyone – young and old, poor and rich – can engage.

MiniDonationsʼ giving marketplace, powered by social media, provides seamless, educational, informative and accessible philanthropy for everyone. It is a platform for giving to and researching charities, measuring donation effectiveness and tracking each donation from the point of sale to their intended causes.

MiniDonations powers social change through the smallest of contributions, so giving is affordable at any budget. When everyone gives, even just a few pennies, the collective impact is enormous. Within the next five years, MiniDonations estimates that its community will donate almost $70 Million per year to charity.

Through MiniDonations, charities dramatically increase donor impressions through point of sale giving while retailers attract and retain socially conscious consumers. We promote the coexistence of commerce and charity so donors have the tools they need to give whenever and however their hearts desire by simply shopping and working at places they already frequent.

MiniDonations is a 501(c)3 organization.